InCopy lets copywriters and editors style text, track changes, and make simple layout modifications to a document while designers work on the same document simultaneously in Adobe InDesign — all without overwriting each other’s contributions.
Assignments Panel Overview
The primary tool for working with assignments is the Assignments panel (Window > Assignments in InCopy, Window > Editorial > Assignments in InDesign). The Assignments panel displays the files exported from the currently active InDesign document, and an icon indicates their status. The Assignments panel menu also contains commands that control import version and file-management functions between InCopy and InDesign. When you open an assignment in InCopy, the assignment name and its contents appear in the Assignments panel. You can double-click text and graphics frames in the Assignments panel to select them in the document window.
Assignment Files
In InDesign, assignment files are containers for organizing collections of page items. For example, you might want to select all the items in a story (headline, byline, copy, graphics, and captions), and then assign them to one InCopy user. Adding those items to an assignment provides a convenient way for InCopy users to access only the content for which they are responsible. Assignment files (*.icma) appear in the file system, in the InCopy story bar, and in status messages. Only InDesign users can create assignment files; only InCopy users can open them.
Create Assignments and Add Content
Only InDesign users can create assignments and add content to them. There are several ways to create assignments. The method you choose usually depends on whether you have content to add at the time you create the assignment. Create empty assignment files. From your InDesign document, you can create a series of empty assignments to act as templates for content to come later. Create assignments and add content at the same time. Add content to an existing assignment file. You can add linked content—text and graphics that have already been exported as InCopy content—or you can add selected page items to become linked InCopy content. If one or more of the selected frames already contain InCopy content files, and none is part of an assignment, you can add them to a new or existing assignment file.
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